Chapter 343 The Uncontrollable Urge:>>Ep18
- I sat down on the edge of the bed and was about to turn on the television when I heard something. I focused. It sounded like moaning. Coming from next door. I couldn't tell at first if it was happy moaning or like... wailing from sadness or something. I stopped moving and just listened and I could hear occasionally words and the moaning. I could definitely tell it was coming from next door now. From Cassie and Brittany's room.
- I don't know why I was so curious, it really wasn't any of my business. But I was curious. I had to find out what was going on. I moved over towards the wall, and put my ear against it. Actually, the sound became more muffled that way. I was confused by that, until I looked down the wall and saw the door. I'd forgotten! These are adjoining rooms.
- So I moved quickly, but quietly, down the wall. I'd left the door open a bit the day before and forgotten to close it. I could hear more muffled noises now that I was close to the doorway. I opened my door the whole way, and looked over at the door into the neighbor's room. I don't know why I was so nosy, but come on. You'd do the same thing, right?